December news

A recent report by TTG (Travel Trade Gazette) and PWC surveyed 2,000 people showed a continued strong demand for holidays with some people cutting back in other areas to ‘protect’ their holiday plans.  Only 3% were planning on travelling to Australia/NZ but 70% planned to spend the same or more than they did in 2023 with only 15% planning on cutting their holiday budget.  This extra spend was particularly in the higher income and older groups with customers aiming for ‘longer more premium’ locations which has to be good for Australia/NZ.

Timing could not be better as we move into peak travel time and peak booking time so it will definitely be busy.  I am getting as much training booked in as possible while also making sure I am available at all times for queries.

On a personal note, I lost my mother at the end of 2023. She loved New Zealand and Australia, no much that her last message to me was about being guided by a gathering of Maori people which was comforting to her and to me.


January news


November news