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 Online learning for the travel trade

Knowledge on Demand

There is no question that technology will play a greater role in travel trade education over the coming years. The increase in home working and online agencies is making traditional on-road sales much harder to achieve.

Providing online training alongside these long-established sales activities is becoming standard, it’s simple to deliver, endlessly flexible, inexpensive and the data you’ll gather is indispensable.

My Training Guru is a company whose founders, including myself, already have endless knowledge and experience in the national and international markets allowing us to create the ultimate training platform for your business.

This understanding and passion has been crucial in creating My Training Guru allowing us to work with you and develop your tailor made training platform no matter what size or presence your company currently has.

Be ahead of the game, maximise your potential and contact us now.



A New Way To for Agents To Train

My Training Guru (MTG) is an interactive training and education platform designed specifically for the travel industry. It is born, as are all great inventions, of necessity and arrives at what we think is the perfect time.

Having access to hundreds of tours, hotels and experiences to offer your clients is one thing but counts for little if there is no product training to go with it! We’re not just talking about missing valuable sales due to lack of training; but mis-sold products, customers receiving incorrect information leading to costly complaints, losing confidence in a product through lack of understanding. These are all problems travel agents face every day.

Many tour operators and accommodation suppliers have full time representation in all markets but struggle with efficiency and costs. Many other suppliers cannot justify the expense of having someone on the road full time resulting in training being done sporadically, at great expense and in short bursts leaving long periods in between with no contact between agent and operator. This is also inefficient and does not account for changes in tours or itineraries or change in agency staff. Many suppliers only get to see agents in key cities and never see more remote offices.

My Training Guru is here to change that.

Leading Education Technology

MTG have partnered with the leading specialist education software provider to deliver a quality learning experience. Our partners have previously built e-learning software for some of the worlds leading universities and colleges and in their own words provide “a single robust, secure and integrated system to create personalised learning environments”.

In the travel world that means our platform is designed to help the learning process by providing training in a convenient, accessible and easily digestible format to the agent and importantly testing their knowledge to provide instant, reliable, clear and detailed data to the supplier.



In developing this system we are not trying to replace the agent/supplier relationship or do away with traditional agency visits and training but rather provide a 24/7 link between products and the agents who sell them. Making sure the information and training received is easily accessible, up to date and relevant. Using an online model to supplement face to face training or even provide training for the first time to smaller suppliers is a cost-effective way to make sure agent networks are fully equipped to do the best by each product. Our innovative reporting facility allows you to track progress, retake training to ensure key messages are being delivered and have certainty that you know what you’re selling.



System Overview

The Agent Experience – How will MTG work?

•Product/supplier landing page containing contacts, brief product description, links to brochures, “Contact Us” option etc

•Pre training questionnaire/feedback option to test existing knowledge/sentiment and gauge how that changes after training.

•Training presentations (PowerPoint etc) and video content. Fully customizable for each product.

•Post training test area. Again fully customizable to each product. Multiple choice questions to test retention of information plus options for feedback and suggestions.

•Agents track their progress through your own account profile. In turn this allows agency managers and head office staff to see where their sales teams are situated with training and offer advice to update learning as needed.

•Agency HQ staff and branch managers will have ability to assign/suggest modules to match upcoming campaigns, product changes, new itineraries etc.


Incentivised Learning

Learn more – Win more!

MTG In-House Incentives

•MTG will run weekly incentives to encourage all our agents to train as often as possible.

•These incentives will not be product specific but rather reward overall use of MTG

•Prizes will include vouchers, concert or sporting tickets, wine/beers, nights out, flights, tours, accommodation and more

Supplier Incentives

•MTG will invite all our suppliers to run incentives as often as possible. These will be listed together on the MTG site so they’re always easy to find.

•Some supplier training modules will have incentives attached. i.e. complete training for Hotel X and win 2 nights accommodation

•Major incentives will be run by suppliers using MTG modules and reporting.

•Combined incentives using several suppliers will be run at least quarterly with major prizes to be won. These may be region/country specific (SE Asia overland featuring several suppliers in the area) and will include flights, accommodation and touring prizes.

All Enquiries

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 Online learning for the travel trade

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